Applebarn Currants

"Someone told me a fascinating fact about currants" said Janaki as I enquired about the fresh currants currently in stock at Le Marché St. George. She explained to me the reason people don't know exactly what to do with currants and why it's hard to come across them fresh is due to their cultivation being banned by the agricultural department of Canada in 1920s, as they were prone to a disease causing powdery mildew and white pine blister rust to form on their plants and leafs. In fact, hasn't been until the last 10 years when people starting growing them again. The black currants that work perfectly for making Cassis, the red can be used in your summer jam and preserves, the white are divine when frozen and thrown into cocktails. Our currants come from are trusted friends at The Applenbarn Farm and taste splendid.

Photography | Luis Valdizon (Top) & Klee Larson (Bottom)
Discourse | Luis Valdizon