Menu Inspiration: Valentine's Breakfast in Bed

Although breakfast in bed may be a classic offering to your loved one on a day of celebration, I do believe that it's a simple gesture that is often overlooked. Simple doesn't mean lazy. Simple calls for impeccable execution. I love what Janaki has done here. Everything counts, from the elegant toasted coconut ricotta rosewater pancakes with agave syrup yogurt, complimented by Pok Pok Som pomegranate drinking vinegar and sparkling water spritzer, to the beautiful vintage serving plate and flower decoration. Whatever you do for your loved one, just remember to put some heart in it. Even if you don't end up using the style or food exactly as presented above, we hope that we've inspired you to go beyond the standard this Valentine's day.

Photography & Discourse | Luis Valdizon

Agave Syrup | $14.95
Birchwood Farms yogurt | $5.95
Birchwood Farms milk (2L) | $4.25
Eggs (one dozen) | $6.25
Flour (four cups) | $6.75
Baking Powder | $3.25
Butter | $5.25
Pok Pok Som drinking vinegar | $19.95
San Pellegrino sparkling water | $2.25