Belmondo Organic Skin Care

We are now stocking products by Belmondo, a Vancouver organic skin care company. Daniela Belmondo founded the company last year with the intention of creating a line utilizing olive oil that closely resembles natural oils found in our skin. Apart from doing a terrific job that the products were made for, one really has to appreciate the packaging and branding of her line. The color pallet of the product and simple typography based aesthetic of the brand lends touch of style to its surrounding environment. Currently, we have The Garden (hand & body lotion), The Rain (face cleanser), After The Rain (face toner), The Cloud (face cream), The Dunes (face exfoliant), and The Petal (under eye cream) in stock. Don't forget that there is a sample of each product available in the shop! Please help yourself to a try the next time you find yourself at our Le Marché. Coincidently, Belmondo was the featured in the same-issue of Monocle (May 2011) that Le Marché St. George was highlighted in (more on our feature here)

Photography | Luis Valdizon (Top) & Klee Larson (Bottom)
Discourse | Luis Valdizon
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