A Field Trip to Farmhouse Natural Cheeses

    7 years ago we were driving around Abbotsford, exploring the area and visiting potential suppliers. We made a quick stop at Lepp Farm Market near Clayburn Village and that's how we discovered Farmhouse Natural Cheeses. I'll be honest, I was first drawn to the packaging! After asking around a little we quickly learned that in addition to the lovely packaging Debra Amrein-Boyes was renowned cheesemaker. She is one of only twelve persons in western Canada and US who has been inducted into the prestigious French Cheese Guild, the “Guilde des Fromagers Confrerie de Saint-Uguzon”, which recognizes those who protect and continue the tradition of cheesemaking around the world.

  Their small family run farm does not use pesticides, hormones or antibiotics in their farming practices. "In these fast- moving times of global markets and industrial food production, it is our wish to nurture and preserve the increasingly – threatened values and traditions of the family farm, and give visitors the opportunity to connect with the farmer and the animals who produce their food.  We value the relationships built along the way – with nature, with the animals, with each other and ultimately with the customer who takes some of our handcrafted cheese home with them." 

    Here are some photos from a field trip we recently took to visit the farm and their amazing, funny animals. Thank you Debra and George for all that you do!